Why is it when we are doing everything right we can’t lose weight? Enter STRESS.
Cortisol a.k.a the stress hormone stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, creating a surge of energy. While this process is essential for survival, it can increases appetite, promote body fat, heighten cravings for sweet, fatty and salty foods. The stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol make it harder for insulin to work, and this causes your blood sugar levels to rise leading to weight gain.
On the flip side, it can be that stress is causative factor of WEIGHT LOSS. The release of stress hormones can speed up the metabolism which burns calories faster. It can also reduce appetite and inhibit proper digestion/absorption of food leading to deficiencies.

1. Eat 3 well balanced meals daily spaced ideally 4-5 hours apart from me another. Include protein, fat, fibre (vegetables) and some complex carbs to each plate.
2. Before each meal do a mental check and prime your body for digestion. Take 3 deep breaths to activate your vagus nerve.
3. Chew your food, chew it well!!! It needs to be liquid before you swallow. This will help absorption, bring your mind to eating and eating only and also help communication between the brain and gut to signal satiation.