This is from my own personal journey and current experience. It’s inevitable when we influence our hormones we are going to experience some imbalances, which can last a while, this can present as:
• irregular periods
• Mood changes – low mood, irritability, anxiety
• Heavy bleeding, spotting
• Skin issues
• Fatigue
• Constipation/diarrhoea
• Weight gain/loss
• Cravings

- LIVER: it’s important to support liver detoxification as when we have excess hormones our liver needs to efficiently process and excrete them out the body. When we have excess hormones this is when we experience those wonderful PMS symptoms. Consume 2x portions of the following on a daily basis; broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels, cabbage, rocket, watercress. I also recommend Pure Encapsulations Liver G.I as an effective detoxifier.
- ADAPTOGENS: these help our body cope with stress. The stress hormone, cortisol, plays a major role in overall hormonal health e.g, lowers progesterone, caused inflammation, disrupts sleep and suppresses the immune system. Adaptogens can help regulate mood, sleep, metabolism and energy level. I like Ora Organic ‘Hormonious’ blend. – please note this is alongside a healthy diet/lifestyle
- BOWEL MOVEMENTS: opening your bowels daily is crucial as this is a main channel for hormone excretion. Consume fibre through fruit, vegetables and complex carbohydrates to encourage this. Aim for 6-8 portions of vegetables daily, 1-2x fruit and 1x complex carbohydrates.
- PROTEIN: this is crucial, protein (amino acids) produce hormones. It helps to regulate oestrogen levels, energy levels metabolism, and menstrual cycles. Ensure you consume 1 source with each meal and opt for a protein rich snack.
- REDUCE: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, processed foods – these are hormone disrupters and cause stress in the body.
- SLEEP: women we need 8-10 hours!!! This is soooo important to support our hormonal reserves. When we sleep we build up our hormones – this is different for men.