New research has emerged from the longest human trial to date that the consistent feeling of loneliness is as detrimental to our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Human connection and the feeling of LOVE is so crucial to our health it can switch on genes correctly, regulate our nervous system, support our micro biome etc etc….

When we feel shit our reflex is usually to do the opposite of what makes our body thrive i.e eat shit, move less and hibernate. How about change that cycle? Instead include the following:
• KEY NUTRIENTS: L-theanine, magnesium, vitamin c, potassium, B vitamins, omega 3, choline, L-tryptophan, Vitamin E
• FOODS TO INCLUDE: turkey, matcha tea powder, all dark leafy greens, sweet potato, fermented foods, avocado, bananas, eggs, oily fish, parsley, garlic, tahini, broccoli, chickpeas, blueberries, chamomile tea, oats, nuts, seeds, organ meats, lentils
• COLD WATER THERAPY – also known as hormetic stress – the good kind of stress that challenges our body and resilience. Cold water encourages the body to release dopamine, the feel good hormone which is why it is a great aid for depression or anxiety.
• HEAT THERAPY – recent research has shown raising our core body temperate regularly i.e using saunas reduces depressive symptoms not just in the moment but in longterm. Proven to be better than any anti-depressant drug available.
• B COMPLEX – helps regulate the body’s serotonin and noradrenaline levels. Both directly affect mental stability, mood, and the ability to cope with stress.
• 5-HTP – helps raise serotonin levels in the brain, which helps to regulate mood and behaviour, which in turn can help sleep, mood, anxiety, appetite, and pain sensation.
• HUMAN CONNECTION – don’t underestimate it, its a natural anti-depressant, anti-anxiety and tranquilliser.