The power of food will never not amaze me, we can eat foods that supply our skin with a natural ‘sunblock’ effect. However, don’t now go and not put sunscreen on but eating these foods will give your skin more resilience and defense against the aging effects of the sun.

Blueberries are rich in powerful antioxidants that fight off free radicals that can damage skin due to sun exposure and stress. Blueberries are even more powerful if they’re a wild variety. They’re also a very good source of vitamin C, which can help prevent wrinkles from a day on the beach.

Tomatoes are known for containing lycopene, an antioxidant responsible for the red color. Watermelons contain far more. Lycopene absorbs both UVA and UVB radiation, although it may take several weeks for the skin to become more photoprotective due to its turnover rate. After a few weeks of daily watermelon intake, lycopene can eventually act as a natural sunblock. Researchers note, though, that it doesn’t necessarily take the place of other protective measures, like SPF and sun-protective clothing, against sunspots and skin damage. But when it comes to anti-aging, this extra boost sure won’t hurt.
Nuts & Seeds

Walnuts, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and flax all contain omega-3 essential fatty acids. Fish and eggs are also great sources. Our bodies can’t make omega-3s, so it’s essential we optimise them in our diet. Omega 3’s maintain your skin’s integrity and are anti-inflammatory, they help your body cope with the effects of spending time in the sun.
Carrots & Leafy Greens

Our bodies convert beta carotene into vitamin A, which is vital for skin health. Studies have found that after 10 weeks of regular supplementation beta carotene provided natural sun protection. Eating a variety of foods rich in this nutrient will also help such as; carrots, kale, spinach, sweet potato and butternut squash. Dark lleafy greens are high in antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. These have been found to protect against wrinkling, sun damage, and even skin cancer.

Cauliflower contains potent antioxidants that help fight off oxidative stress from free radicals. It is also a naturally sun-protective food due to its histidine content, an alpha-amino acid. This stimulates the production of urocanic acid, which absorbs UV radiation