Support your immune system
Support your immune system especially if you’re flying and flying long haul. Planes have low humidity, which means you are more likely to catch a respiratory virus (like a cold). Humidity keeps our airways moist so the lining can trap germs. When the air is too dry, the mucous can’t do its job, and viruses or bacteria can enter more freely. My suggestion is drink plenty of antioxidant and polyphenol rich green tea on the flight, plenty of water and you can take some vitamin c on board as capsule or liposomal form and add it to your water.
Jet Lag
Jet lag – consider using melatonin to help get your body back into rhythm faster and ensure you get some well need sleep post flight. Eat to your circadian rhythm depending on your flight times! For example if you arrive at 2am don’t eat, go to sleep. However if you arrive 6pm at night have dinner.
Depending on your flight time, consider fasting during the duration of the flight and instead drinking lots of water and herbal teas. Digestion can become sluggish on a flight especially with the in-flight food – ever notice your bowel movement slows after a flight for a couple of days
High Fibre
Be prepared and take some high fibre snacks with you like nuts, seeds, lentils chips, dried mango, chia snack bars, protein balls.
Key for everything, we dry out on a flight! Take a water bottle with you so you can keep refilling at the airport, on the flight or ferry etc. Another trick… add chia seeds to your water for maximum hydration. (they absorb 10x their dry weight).
Take a probiotic with you and take a course for 30 days so it covers both inbound, outbound and the duration of your holiday.